

Ginseng Guben Oral Liquid was selected into the "Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment of Adult Pri

Time:2023-03-21 11:16:36     Views:317

New Media Department             Yu Jie, Duan Yuqing             March 21, 2023

The Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases Professional Committee of the Integrative Medicine Physician Branch of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association organized national key clinical experts in endocrinology of traditional Chinese medicine and thyroid disease experts in western medicine formulated Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment of Adult Primary Hypothyroidism.

Among them, the clinical evidence level of Genseng Guben Oral Liquid is Ib, which is highly recommended for the treatment of hypothyroidism of Qi and blood deficiency type, anti-fatigue, anti-hypoxia, improvement of endocrine function, improvement of anemia and other indicators.

Hypothyroidism is a clinical syndrome caused by decreased synthesis and secretion of thyroid hormones caused by various reasons, or insufficient biological effects, referred to as "hypothyroidism". The hypothyroidism caused by the thyroid gland itself is called primary hypothyroidism, and the onset after adulthood is called "adult primary hypothyroidism". The prevalence of hypothyroidism in China is about 17.8%, of which the prevalence of subclinical hypothyroidism is 16.7%, the prevalence of clinical hypothyroidism is 1.1%, and the annual incidence rate of hypothyroidism in China is 2.9/1000, of which primary hypothyroidism accounting for more than 95% of all hypothyroidism, there is an increasing trend year by year, and women and the elderly are the main patients.

Ginseng Guben Oral Liquid is made from Ginseng Guben Pills in "Yip's Recorded Prescriptions" and Liuwei Dihuang Pills in "Pediatric Medicine and Syndrome Zhijue". Relevant studies have shown that: Ginseng Guben Oral Liquid has obvious anti-fatigue and hypoxia-resistant effects on mice, and improves the phagocytosis of macrophages in the mouse peritoneal cavity; experiments on nourishing yin, tonifying kidney and antioxidant effects on yin-deficiency model animals show that : The thyroid gland, thymus, and adrenal gland of mice with yin deficiency tend to increase, especially the thymus gland increases significantly, indicating that it can nourish yin, invigorate the kidney, improve the atrophy of endocrine glands caused by kidney deficiency, and restore the disordered function to a physiological balance state and improve the immune function of the body.

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